The Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America (MGFA) Medical/Scientific Advisory Board presents a scientific session highlighting research in the field of MG and myasthenic disorders. This event is the premier annual event in the US, and around the world, related to the pathogenesis, immunology, diagnosis, and treatment of MG and related disorders of the NMJ. Included in the program will be leaders in MG research from scientific and clinical areas.
Due to the current COVID-19 circumstances, the MGFA’s Medical Advisory Council (MAC) has made the decision that the 2021 Scientific Session will be held virtually. With the uncertainty of the Delta Variant and with institutions starting to put travel bans into place for their employees, the MGFA Medical Advisory Committee felt going virtual would allow the maximum amount of people to participate in the event safely.
Please note that the MGFA Scientific Session will be moved to Saturday, October 30, 2021.
DATE: Saturday, October 30, 2021
TIME: 11:00 a.m. Eastern
Scientific abstracts were submitted with the deadline in June of 2021. These abstracts were reviewed by a steering committee of neuromuscular experts. The presentations will consist of 15 minute platform presentations, five minute data blitz presentations and posters. Our keynote speaker, A. Gordon Smith, MD FAAN, will be speaking on A Crisis in US Drug Pricing: Consequences for Neuromuscular Physicians, Their Patients and Society.