Community Fundraising

Coast to Coast Team Introductions

Meet the MG Volunteers Who Stepped Up to Chair MGFA National Fundraiser

Volunteers from the MG Community are the life blood of fundraising efforts across the country. They set up fundraisers and plan events all over the world to support the MGFA, enabling us to fund only the most promising MG research studies while providing critical educational and guidance materials. Read about these amazing volunteers who have stepped up to chair the annual MGFA Coast-to-Coast 2740 Challenge Walk. You can join the Coast-to-Coast challenge today. REGISTER and FUNDRAISE TODAY.

Drea Carbone, Chair

“After over a decade of misdiagnosis, I finally had some answers–and in the process found a cause in need of one more voice. One of the first things I discovered in my research into myasthenia gravis was the MG Walk. I created a team and joined right away, knowing that the more awareness and funds I could bring, the better! With creative fundraising techniques, a wonderful support system, and a lot of hope for the future, I am still here five years later…now helping to helm the Coast-to-Coast Challenge as the volunteer Chair!”

Priscilla Forrester, East Coast Co-chair

“My name is Priscilla Forrester, and I was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis March 2020. This diagnosis came after years of doctors trying to figure out what the cause of my symptoms were and my struggling in silence. Like the doctors, I could not find the words or courage to describe what was happening to me.

After over a year of coping with the mental and emotional impact of getting diagnosed, all while the world was being overcome with a pandemic, I felt I was in a better place to do more research into this disease. The first outlet I went to was the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America. There I came across the page for various city walks to spread awareness and raise money for research for a cure. I figured this would be a great way to help spread the word about this rare condition, in hopes that others like me would not have to suffer in silence for years like I did. I also saw it as a challenge to test my limits on one of the more difficult challenges I was experiencing – walking.

Prior to treatment I could hardly walk a block without feeling like I was struggling so this gave me a goal to get out and see what I was capable of while on medication. Being able to share my diagnosis and story with family and friends was the unexpected blessing that came from my dedication to do the walk. The outpouring of love and support reinforced the community I knew I had around me but in a very different way and has made this new chapter in my journey a bit easier.

I am looking forward to doing it all again on the Coast-to-Coast 2740 Challenge and hope you will join in on the journey with us.

Jessica Milanes, West Coast Co-chair

“My name is Jessica Milanes and I was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis in 2006. I currently lead the San Francisco Support Group and Myasthenia Advocacy for Young Adults (MAYA). I didn't meet another person with MG until I joined the Stanford Support Group in 2016, and the 2016 San Francisco MG Walk was the first MGFA event I ever participated in. I had felt very alone and isolated prior to joining the support group and walk so it was amazing to see how big and supportive the MG community was. Both of these events have made a significant impact on my life and especially how I live and deal with MG, and I am very thankful for the MGFA!”