Living with MG Stories

Water Skiing into the New Year

To the MGFA

Thank you for being there. I am happy to share this poem I have written, as it seems to give some hope and make people happy.

Gratefully. Sincerely,
Jane Marla Robbins


“The goal with myasthenia is always to get the patient
back to water skiing.” Dr. Stanley Carmichael

Water skiing! Again? Wind in my face! Aliveness!
This myasthenia gravis won’t keep me from swimming goddamnit
or going out, even with a wildly compromised immune system!

I will live wildly again! No more living on eggshells (drugs, maybe)!
A pox on the warnings, horror stories, graveness of the disease!
(They had to add that “gravis” to the name?)

Please, as the doctor said, NO MORE EGG SHELLS!
Here’s to egg salads at picnics; omelets in France;
ocean spray, speed, adventure, daring,
muscle strength, balance, ALIVENESS.

He gives me hope.
Thank you, Dr. Carmichael.