
Only 6 More Days Until the MGFA National Conference – and I Can Hardly Wait!

If there is a silver lining to living with myasthenia gravis, it has to the people we meet from the MG Community who enrich our lives. I know that is true for me. Since 1976, the MGFA National Conference has been that event where people from far and wide could come together to learn from and support each other in our journeys with MG.

My first conference was in 2010. I was amazed how much I learned about this disease even though I had been diagnosed 14 years earlier. I didn’t know what I didn’t know! It was also gratifying and humbling to meet people like Marcia Lorimer and Esther Land—iconic leaders in the MG Community who have given countless hours of their time to move our mission forward. After attending this conference, I definitively decided that I wanted to make a difference, too. I was hooked! At the 2011 conference MGFA launched its first MG Walk events—changing the organization and expanding our horizons.

But I think the most memorable conference for me was 2016, my first as a new CEO for the organization. It was a huge year in research! Don Sanders, MD presented the very first International Consensus Guidelines for treatment and management of MG. And Henry Kaminski, MD reported on the results of the landmark seven-year study on thymectomy in MG. We had a panel on clinical trials in MG, and we made a commitment to grow our MG Registry so we could open the door for more industry research opportunities. And so many wonderful people told me that they were ready and eager to help. I knew that by working together, we could change the world for people with MG!

The 2021 Conference is one more major, evolutionary step in that journey. Even in the midst of a pandemic that has changed so much in our daily lives, becoming educated about MG and making these connections are still critically important. Maybe more important than ever. And with new technology, there are also new possibilities! So, for months now our staff and key volunteers have been working to ensure a GLOBAL virtual conference that will serve as a cornerstone in uniting us once again, at THE premiere conference for the worldwide MG Community.

The 2021 Conference offers something for everyone, starting with educational sessions with top experts focusing on topics ranging from science, to clinical trials, to meeting the day-to-day challenges of living with MG. As with any conference, you can explore and visit with exhibitors, meet up with old friends and make new ones from in the “lounge,” learn about how you can participate in research, and hear about exciting new initiatives that will benefit all of us living with MG. And there are fun activities built in, too! You are invited to plan your own unique experience!

While we miss those in person hugs, we stand ready to once again welcome the world through the magic of technology. We hope to see you and your friends and family, as we join together once again, moving closer to our goal of a world without myasthenia gravis.

Click or tap HERE to see the fabulous AGENDA and link to REGISTRATION HERE. SEE YOU APRIL 11-13!!

Nancy Law
Chair, MGFA Board of Directors.

PS: Thanks to the generosity of our wonderful donors, fundraisers and sponsors, this event is FREE OF CHARGE to all!