Myasthenia Advocacy for Young Adults

MISSION To foster authentic connections for young adults
living with myasthenia gravis. 

VISION A network of young adults supporting each
other on their MG journeys.

Welcome to MAYA! 

MGFA’s Myasthenia Advocacy for Young Adults (MAYA) is a program designed to help people aged 18–40 live a successful and positive MG lifestyle. Through discussion topics and engagement opportunities designed for young adults, MAYA creates a community where young MG patients can share their experiences and knowledge.

MAYA hosts virtual meetups and networking experiences, where all people feel welcomed and supported. 

Virtual Meetings

MAYA meets monthly via Zoom – see the schedule on our Support Group page. Email to register. You can also find links to the events in the Facebook group.

MG Resources

Please check out the Resources page of the MGFA website. Here you will find the virtual MG Patient Packet. There are other MGFA resources here as well such as the MG Frirends program.

Social Media

Join the MAYA online community by sending a request to join our Facebook group. Connect with other MAYA members and keep up to date with the latest group content.

MAYA Volunteer Leadership

Jessica and Hannah, MAYA co-Leads

“MAYA has given me the opportunity to connect with MGers my age that I would not have been able to connect with otherwise. It’s so healing to talk with people who completely understand and can empathize with everything I’ve gone through in my MG journey. The group gives me so much hope and reassurance that I’m not alone in my fight with MG!”

Jessica M. – Support Group Leader 

Jessica M. was diagnosed with MG in 2006 when she was 13 years old. Growing up in the Bay Area, she met another MG patient for the first time in 2016 through the Stanford Support Group.  She got involved with the MGFA that same year through her local MG Walk.  At the end of 2019, she started a support group in San Francisco and currently leads the MGFA MAYA Support Group.  She is also a lead volunteer helping organize MGFA Community Health Fairs. In her free time, Jessica likes to cook, bake (she works as a professional baker), play golf, and explore her home base of San Francisco.

“This MGFA support group has helped me to feel less alone and to connect with others dealing with an MG diagnosis. It’s amazing how simply hearing others share similar experiences can make you feel less alone.”

Hannah E. – Support Group Co-Leader

Hannah was diagnosed with ACHR-positive generalized myasthenia gravis in March 2022 after dealing with worsening symptoms for a year and fighting for testing and a diagnosis. She is passionate about MG advocacy, especially for young adults. After attending her first MAYA meeting three days after her diagnosis, she was motivated to invest and give back to the MG community. She firmly believes no one with MG should go without a diagnosis or treatment. Hannah assisted with the 2022 MGFA Community Health Fair in Tampa and is co-chairing the 2023 Tampa fair and walk. When not volunteering with the MGFA, Hannah lives in Florida and works full time as an engineer. She loves to spend time with her husband of ten years and her daughter. Pictured below is Hannah and Jessica at the 2024 MGFA National Patient Conference that was held in April 2024 in Tampa, FL. 

All MGFA Support Groups have a minimum age requirement of 18 years of age. If you or someone you know is under the age of 18 and needs additional support, please seek advice from a caregiver, guardian, or other trusted adult when considering resources. For more information about support for children and adolescents, please contact