Featuring the MG Scientific Session
The MGFA Scientific Session Showcased the Latest MG Research and Important New Discoveries
The annual MGFA Session took place in-person on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at the AANEM meeting in Nashville, TN at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Conference Center.
To find out more about the AANEM Conference, you can visit the following link: https://www.aanem.org/Meetings/Annual-Meeting
The session brought together some of the world's formost MG experts, researchers, and clinicians as well as industry executives, medical professionals, and patient advocacy organizations to experience the latest data and informational results concerning clinical trials and studies. The MGFA also held its first-ever Partners in MG Care luncheon for current members as well as neurologists or clinicians who wanted to learn more about this influential network. To learn more about the Partners in MG Care, contact the MGFA at mgfa@myasthenia.org.
VIEW the MGFA Scientific Session Program.
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MGFA Scientific Session Recorded Videocast
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