Living with MG Stories

Thinking About the Mental Health of Those Impacted by COVID-19 – A Time to Begin Healing

There is no question that a lot of people have been directly impacted by COVID-19 in more ways than just the obvious physical symptoms of the virus.

Many are also suffering mentally in a number of ways, with depression and feelings of anxiety brought on by COVID-19 as well as mandates to stay distanced and stay inside.

The Mental Health Fallout of COVID-19

We need to recognize as a society that the mental health damage that COVID-19 has done can be a very big deal – especially in rare disease such as myasthenia. There are people from all walks of life who are suffering. Many are suffering in silence, and that is something that needs to be addressed as well.

The Isolation of COVID-19

One of the biggest complaints that people have concerning COVID-19 is the need to remain isolated for such long periods of time.

Human beings are social creatures by nature, and yet we were all told to stay at home and stay apart from one another as the virus spread around the world.

The feelings of isolation are very real and very tough for people to deal with on a daily basis. So now is finally the time to reach out to family, friends, and networks to get out of the funk that is generated from staying apart. Make some calls to friends or contact professionals if you need deeper psychological assistance.

Physical Damage to the Brain

A lot of attention has been paid to how the COVID-19 virus has an outsized impact on the lungs and ability to catch your breath, but there is emerging evidence that it may have impact on our mental health as well. The virus can cause what many victims describe as "brain fog." This is the overwhelming feeling of fuzziness and a misunderstanding of certain vital aspects of things that are going on all around you.

No one knows for sure what the long-term impacts of brain fog may be or if it is even likely that these impacts are going to stay around for the long run. Both of those outcomes are certainly possible, but it is not yet clear that this is the case. You should consider tracking when your brain fog occurs and report this to your doctor or neurologist.

The Grief Process

As we know, people around the world have died as a result of COVID-19, and the grief process for survivors can be intense. Thus, it is important that we all pay attention to the ways that we are working with others to help them through the grief process.

Dealing with the death of a loved one is never easy, and there is a lot of unprocessed grief out there because the manner of death is attributed directly to a new type of virus and its variants. It can be difficult to adapt to the many changes that a death can generate, so it is hard to adapt to these conditions. The spread of the virus and constant reminders of COVID-19 have been challenging to come to grips with – especially for rare disease community members.

It is certainly worth noting that there are a lot of people who could benefit from receiving some grief counseling and help from true professionals. The things that the rest of us can do is try to make sure we are supportive of people who are suffering from grief.

If you or a loved one are experiencing any of the symptoms just mentioned or even if you’re going through a dark time – know there is hope and there are things you can start doing right now to elevate your mood and get through it.

Speak with People About These Issues

Depression is real but can be challenging to diagnose. You should consider speaking with a mental health professional if your depression is debilitating or constant. For those who are not touched by deep depression but could boost their mood, consider meditation, eating a healthier diet, breathing techniques, or essential oils.

What you are likely to discover is that the more you speak to people about their COVID-19 grief and issues, the more likely you are to find that they will probably have some of the same problems and concerns that you have for yourself.

This is to say that there is a good chance that if you can begin to work with them where they are, you can find common ground and begin to help yourself as much as they help.

Everyone can stand to be a bit more open with one another about their health issues, and this is particularly true when we are talking about mental health issues. It is something that many people have avoided for far too long, and there is absolutely no reason to look at the issues as something to be ashamed of.

Make sure you start to engage with people in a way that will help them find the resources that they need to work on their mental health in the most effective ways possible.

Ruth Riley is an educator and writer. She teaches linguistics to college students and also conducts studies about CBD. She also lends her knowledge as a woman and an educator by writing for