November is National Family Caregivers Month
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National Family Caregivers Month

MGFA Care Givers

November is National Caregivers Month. Let's honor our MG caregivers and thank them for all they do for anyone diagnosed and living with Myasthenia Gravis. Submit a photo of you with your caregiver (or just a photo of your caregiver) and we will post on our National Caregivers Honor Wall.


Name: Michael Antonellis     Caregiver's Name: Caregivers Help MG Patients Live Their Best Life    Country: United States

Caregivers are critical to the health and well-being of those diagnosed with myasthenia gravis. We invite you to submit photos of you and your caregivers to celebrate National Family Caregivers Month 2013.

Name: Andrea Ujj     Caregiver's Name: Mrs Andor Kéri, Mária Ujj MD    Country: Hungary

My beloved caregiver has been with the angels for 3 weeks. I have a lot to thank my loved godmother : she supported me throughout my life, expressed her love, and cared for me. She loved me like a daughter. She will be greatly missed.

Name: Krisztina Kőhalmy Peebles     Caregiver's Name: Family Peebles    Country: Australia

My Australian family have been super supportive. Even when they don’t totally understand, they are happy to either go slower, change plans, or even just stay with me during the hard times. During the good times they are just crazy.

Name: Zoltán Lelkes     Caregiver's Name: Lelkesné Aranka Gábor    Country: Hungary

Firstly,my wife, Aranka, is my main caregiver, with whom we celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary. With special meal, diet, which has a great effect, I am in excellent physical condition and I can do sports also.

Name: Scott wilson     Caregiver's Name: Micki wilson    Country: United States

My wife has been by my side every step of the way for 17 years. She married me knowing I have MG. And I wouldn't be where I am now without her.

Name: Kathi Timothy     Caregiver's Name: Joleen Rockhill    Country: United States

I don’t know what I would have done without the love, support, and care from my daughter. She has been my fierce advocate and has sacrificed so much to ensure my well being. So grateful for her!

Name: Toni Tryforos     Caregiver's Name: Tryforos Family    Country: United States

I don’t know how I would have gotten through the last 14 months without the love, support, and the sacrifices from my son and his family including furry one ❤️

Name: Szilvia Sós Kisné     Caregiver's Name: Csaba Kis    Country: Hungary

My best caregiver is my husband, who never doubts my difficulties. He's the one who gets on the mental "roller coaster" with me when I'm up and down. He goes through both the good and the bad things with me. We fight together.

Name: Sarah Yerington     Caregiver's Name: Lee Yerington    Country: United States

My husband Lee has been by my side since day one. He always makes sure I’m okay especially during my IVIG treatment weekends, spoiling me with my favorite foods & beverages to make me feel better. So thankful for his endless love & support!

Name: Ann Gan     Caregiver's Name: Kuansan Wang    Country: United States

Since I was diagnosed with MG, my husband had been so caring and supportive. He gave me SCIG infusion weekly to control my MG symptoms. We just finished a two-week trip. I even climbed to the top of El Faro (515ft high lighthouse in Mexico)!

Name: Dennis Denny     Caregiver's Name: Marilyn Denny    Country: United States

Devoted wife & constant caregiver. Partners for Life.

Name: Janice Buczkowski     Caregiver's Name: Clint Buczkowski     Country: United States

Clint has been with me for my 20-year battle with MG, through the good times and the bad times. He always has his arm out to help me up or down a curb, carry heavy bags, or just be my support in general! I believe it has strengthened our marriage!

Name: Lorraine Ludwico Stevens     Caregiver's Name: Becht Stevens     Country: United States

I could not get by my day to day activities without my husband , my Best friend and Caregiver . He cooks , cleans , helps me shower , he even has to help with my colostomy applications twice a week . I’ve had Myasthenia Gravis for the past 21 years

Name: Annie DeOcampo -Lechtenberg     Caregiver's Name: Ron R. Nance    Country: United States

Ron is my Champion, my Caregiver my best friend, love of my life. He knew I was struggling with MG when we met 10 years ago. He has cared for me through 3 surgeries, Ivigs and insurance issues.He always is so supporti and caring I am truly blessed.

Name: Jada Harris     Caregiver's Name: Harris Family    Country: United States

Willie, Sylvia, and Tiara Harris have cared for me and supported me since my diagnosis in 2011. They are my backbone and the reason I keep pushing forward. I appreciate all of their sacrifices, and I love them more than words can ever express!!!

Name: Meena Outlaw     Caregiver's Name: David Outlaw    Country: United States

David is my spokesman when I can’t speak, my alert button for when I don’t recognize my own symptoms, and my sounding board for when I just need to talk about living with MG. I couldn’t have done so well without him. I am so grateful to him.

Name: Jada Harris     Caregiver's Name: Harris Family    Country: United States

Willie, Sylvia, and Tiara Harris have cared for me and supported me since my diagnosis in 2011. They are my backbone and the reason I keep pushing forward. I appreciate all of their sacrifices, and I love them more than words can ever express!!!

Name: Tammy Menter     Caregiver's Name: Scott Menter    Country: United States

Let me introduce you to my husband of 23 years, Scott Menter. He has earned a degree, not from college or university seal, but through life’s experiences, in and out of multiple clinical settings. I would not be here today without him ♥

Name: ANITA A. TARLTON     Caregiver's Name: David Waters    Country: United States

My husband is amazing! He takes great care of me through MG issues, knee surgery, and any other stresses that life throws at us. He is loving, attentive, a great cook, and gives me reasons to smile every day. I'm so thankful he is in my life!

Name: Jesse     Caregiver's Name: Bill    Country: United States

I am grateful everyday for the crazy love from this man. Whether, I am one eyed, walking with a woddle or just plain exhausted, He is by my side to assure me this is just the now tomorrow will be better. His endless and tireless positivity is healin.

Name: Andrea Mazzarelli     Caregiver's Name: Mikayla Mazzarelli     Country: United States

I don’t know what I would do without my daughter. She’s such wonderful caregiver. Not only for myself but for her brother and herself. Besides me having MG, we all have Mitochondrial Myopathy Muscular Dystrophy. She struggles some days but never give

Name: Diane Melroe     Caregiver's Name: Van Melroe    Country: United States

My husband. My rock. He’s always there for me, emotionally and physically. He’s active in my care, my appointments and my well being. Always watchful and protective. He knows when I’m ‘tanking’, sometimes before I know it! My one in a million!🩵

Name: HOKONSON Stephen     Caregiver's Name: Nancy Hokonson    Country: United States

Nancy has provided support, encouragement, patience and forgiving love since I was diagnosed in 2011.

Name: Marcaysiah raine     Caregiver's Name: Ashley harry    Country: United States

My caregiver is my mother. At 16 I was diagnosed with mg it has been so hard but she spends everyday making sure I am good she take me a hour away for docters appointments some time 3 times a week at 7 in the morning too the best. Thank you momma

Name: Colette     Caregiver's Name: Lauri    Country: United States

My mom is the most selfless person I know. Not only is she the best nurse, but even after a long day of work she'll come home and take care of me. I couldn't ask for anyone better or more loving. I love her so much and am so grateful to have her.

Name: Jasmina Britvar     Caregiver's Name: Drago & Matea    Country: United States

My world. My husband and my daughter are my biggest support. Since my diagnosis, they both wearing multiple hats and doing all of the task I did for years. I cannot imagine day without both of them. My travel partners, my jokesters, my rocks.

Name: Joan M Merritt     Caregiver's Name: Tasha Werkheiser     Country: United States

Tasha has been my caregiver since I got sick with Mg in June 2017. This is Tasha and 2 of my granddaughters Stacey and Brooklyn that are always there to help me. Carli is away in Maine living and going to go to Veterinarian college there.

Name: Mary Ellen Hickey     Caregiver's Name: Chris Hickey    Country: United States

Chris has gone above and beyond for me in so many ways. In the house he helps with dishes, laundry, picks up my medications and goes to all doctors appts. We help with our 3 grandchildren but if I’m not doing well Chris does it on his own.

Name: Matea Britvar     Caregiver's Name: Drago Britvar    Country: United States

Big shoutout to my dad for being our families superhero! He stepped into the all time hero role with no hesitation and although times can be tough we all find the good and try to bring as much as happiness to my mother’s life. Britvars for Life!

Name: Terri     Caregiver's Name: Christina     Country: United States

Myywife is wonderful care giver. She has taken excellent care of me for the past three years. She takes care of me, the house and all off the day to day chores. She never complains. She says " I vowed for sickness and health, not just health".

Name: Glenda Thomas     Caregiver's Name: Gregory Hayes    Country: United States

Greg has walked my MG journey with me. Being a great supporter, he enabled me to participate in the things we enjoyed during even when I was at my weakest point due to my muscle weakness. I am a very blessed person to have him as a partner.

Name: Dianne Stanley     Caregiver's Name: Robert Stanley    Country: United States

My caregiver is my husband, he retired early to take care of me. He does a great job seeing that I have what I need and that I get to all of my Dr. appointments. I couldn't make it this far without him.

Name: Stacey H.     Caregiver's Name: Chloe F.     Country: United States

Chloe is my caregiver, my sister and my best friend. She sacrifices so much in making sure we’re taken care of and I’ll never be able to find the words to truly thank her. I would be lost without her!

Name: Jim Clements     Caregiver's Name: Rosemary Clements     Country: United States

My WONDERFUL wife of 55 years. I tell her she is the most compassionate, loving, caring woman to ever lived on this earth. I can only wish that all mg patients have 1% of what she gives me daily. Pic is Rosemary & her fabulous father.

Name: Aimee Sears     Caregiver's Name: Scott Sears and our kids    Country: United States

My husband Scott has been there from day one of my symptoms, which began 23 years ago, even before we were married. Our kids have never known life without MG & have been with us through it all. We've nicknamed ourselves the Sears Fab 4. I am blessed!

Name: Sandra Lopez     Caregiver's Name: Cynthia Castro    Country: United States

My daughter has been my caregiver for the past 16 years. She's been with me every step of the way. Even in my darkest hour she never gives up and helps me overcome any obstacle.

Name: Louie Bazen     Caregiver's Name: Kathy Bazen    Country: United States

My wife is very concerned with how I am feeling. She notices when I am not walking or looking right. She continuously asks how I am feeling and tells me when I need to rest.

Name: Candace     Caregiver's Name: Justin    Country: Canada

My husband has been my rock since I met him. Having a toddler can be a lot of work, and my husband will drop anything to help out around the house to make sure I rest (and I am the most stubborn person to rest!). Happy caregivers month!

Name: Courtney Boehlke     Caregiver's Name: Dave Mattox     Country: United States

He is so thoughtful and kind. Always ready to help and anticipates my needs. I couldn’t make it without his help.

Name: Shaundresa     Caregiver's Name: Jamey, Kadyn, & Kyler    Country: United States

My family has been sooo helpful! I've been dealing with sero-negative gMG since I was a little girl although I was diagnosed 1½ yrs ago. My family helps me get through the day and help me with things I can't do alone or at all. Praise God for support

Name: Linda C Jirka     Caregiver's Name: Michael    Country: United States

He's always there when I need him to help like finishing fixing a meal, bringing me something, helping with house chores, and giving me emotional support.

Name: Linette Brooks     Caregiver's Name: Shirley Brooks    Country: United States

My mother has been my #1 and BEST caregiver since my diagnosis in 2019. It’s not always easy especially when a flare up leaves me too weak to walk or stand but she’s with me EVERY STEP OF THE WAY and has never left my side 💕

Name: Robin Hengels     Caregiver's Name: Peter    Country: United States

This man has been my rock. He has been by my side through 14 hospitalizations just this year. He sleeps on the horrible chairs or couches and never complains. He takes me to the MGFA events even though it’s really not a comfortable place for him

Name: Katherine Brown     Caregiver's Name: Helen Brown    Country: United States

My wonderful Mom was always there for me whether I needed physical help or moral support. I lost her 3 years ago and miss her terribly. She was an Angel!

Name: Laura Noble     Caregiver's Name: Joey Noble    Country: United States

My husband of 44 years is the most loving, kind and compassionate caregiver that anyone could ever want. MG has changed our lives but Joey’s love never changes!

Name: ANITA A TARLTON     Caregiver's Name: David Waters    Country: United States

David is a solid advocate and understanding of my symptoms of MG. I couldn't ask for more.

Name: Christine Wheaton     Caregiver's Name: Rickey Wheaton    Country: United States

My husband and daughter are my Rock. Without them helping me on a daily basis I would not be able to do much of anything. I have been living with Myasthenia Gravis for 9 years now and I appreciate everything they do for me. They are gifts from God

Name: Maya Lawrence     Caregiver's Name: My family - Tracey, John, and Simone    Country: United States

A lot of my family friends are supportive. However, my close knit family strives to go above and beyond. Whether to stay lowkey during a challenging day or carrying things when the burden is too heavy. I love and appreciate all their care so much.

Name: Yetta Starr for Doris     Caregiver's Name: Heather and Rebecca    Country: United States

There’s not much that separates Rebecca and Heather pictured on either side of my sister, Doris, when it comes to caring for their mother. These two remarkable women mobilized with actionable intent to get their mother out of an unhealthy care cycle

Name: Mary Lynne Knighten     Caregiver's Name: John D. Knighten     Country: United States

My husband is my support and my strength. I work FT (and a half) and engage in many volunteer activities. He runs errands, carries supplies and equipment, helps set up events, takes care of household chores—so I can do what I love. Thank you Johnnie!

Name: 05g5ju     Caregiver's Name: 0stk9g    Country: Zimbabwe


Name: 1ac1gv     Caregiver's Name: jff42s    Country: Zimbabwe


Name: 9f52lj     Caregiver's Name: av98pi    Country: Zimbabwe


Name: 4q4l3r     Caregiver's Name: q5vnzd    Country: Zimbabwe


Name: 9e1zve     Caregiver's Name: ycdtrd    Country: Zimbabwe


Name: fdkq8c     Caregiver's Name: 90iuzs    Country: Zimbabwe


Name: u1auyo     Caregiver's Name: rxxn82    Country: Zimbabwe


Name: snc1pm     Caregiver's Name: rdj3tz    Country: Zimbabwe






A World Without MG