Whether virtual, in person or in a hybrid model, MGFA support groups are a wonderful way to learn more about managing MG and to receive caring support. In addition to groups organized by location or type (in person / virtual), MGFA offers the following virtual specialty support groups:
- Seronegative Myasthenia Gravis
- MAYA (Myasthenia Advocacy for Young Adults)
- Junta en Español (Spanish Language)
- Caregivers
- Pediatric (Children and Teens) – please use this form to register
- Parenting with Myasthenia Gravis
Upcoming MGFA Support Group meetings are listed BELOW or SEARCH by state, region, dates, or type. Have questions? Reach out to us at mgfa@myasthenia.org. You can also reach out to any support group leader; contact emails are provided for each group.
If you are interested in helping run a support group or starting a new one, fill out the Support Group Leader Volunteer form.
Volunteer with a Support Group
The views and opinions communicated at, or related to, any MGFA support group meeting, are those of the author(s). MGFA is not responsible for the author’s views and opinions and, unless expressly indicated, nothing shared at, or related to, the MGFA support group meetings are meant to reflect the official views, opinions, policies, or positions of MGFA. Further, nothing communicated at, or related to, any MGFA support group meeting is intended to harm any protected group, organization, entity, or individual.
Portland,Seattle, and Greater PNW MG Patients and Caregivers Group
The PNW Group meets either the 2nd Thursday of the month or the 3rd Thursday via Zoom.
Please contact us to be added to our email list so you receive log in information and info on guest speakers. We would love to get to know you!
Email pnwmgsg@gmail.com or cara.brown1@gmail.com for more information and to get the meeting invite.
Southern Illinois MG Support Group
Although our name is Southern Illinois, we have attendees from IN, KY, MI and Canada,
we are more of a social group sharing information reviewing Webinars etc. This group meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7PM Central Time.
To get the Zoom link, please email ka9mzj@gmail.com
Alamo Area Support Group
The group meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 11:00am. This is a hybrid meeting and meets in person at Commissioner’s Court, Precinct 3. 32 Interpark, San Antonio, TX 78216. There is also a Zoom link for those who cannot attend in person
For further information and for the Zoom link, please contact bwilli@sbcglobal.net or
MG Support Group of Greater Houston
Meets the 2nd Saturday of the month at 11AM
at Trini Mendenhall, 1414 Wirt Rd, Houston, TX 77055
Please contact meenamghouston@gmail.com for further information
Melbourne MG Support Group
Meets at Veterans Memorial Park Library
400 S Sykes Creek Pkwy
Merriitt Island, FL 32952
July 20, 2024 10:00 am to 12:00 Noon
Sept 21, 2024 10:00 am to 12:00 Noon
Nov. 16, 2024 10:00 am to 12:00 Noon
Bob Oldham
Patient/ Leader/ Volunteer
Melbourne MG Support Group
Denver Support Group (run by Myasthenia Gravis Association of Colorado)
We meet monthly on the second Saturday of each month. We meet 1:00-3:00PM at the
Global Down Syndrome Foundation
3239 E 2nd Ave
Denver, CO 80206
The link to our website is: https://www.4-mga.org/
For questions or to RSVP, contact Dave Gestner at 4mgacolorado@gmail.com
International Spanish MG Support Group
This group meets the second Saturday of every other onth
Date: July 12th; September 13th; November 8th
1pm (central time)
For more information and the Zoom link invitation, please contact Leah at lamgchampions@gmail.com
Grupo Internacional de Apoyo MG Español
Este grupo se reúne el segundo sábado de cada dos meses.
Fecha: 12 de julio; 13 de septiembre; 8 de noviembre
13:00 horas (hora central)
Para obtener más información y la invitación al enlace de Zoom, comuníquese con Leah en lamgchampions@gmail.com
Miastenia Gravis Grupo Internacional de Apoyo
Viviendo con Miastenia Gravis, comparta sus experiencias, consejos y trucos para lidiar con MG y manténgase actualizado sobre las noticias de MG.
Juntas son virtuales por Zoom a la 1pm (central, EEUU) 13 Hrs. El segundo sábado de cada otro mes.
Regístrese con anticipación para cada reunión con el link en cada fecha.
Después de registrarse, recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación con información sobre como unirse a la reunión.
13 de enero
9 de marzo
11 de mayo
13 de julio
14 de septiembre
9 de noviembre
Hamptons Road Support Group
Virtual meetings will be held the second Monday of each month, at noon
For more info and the zoom link, please contact Greg Josephs greg.josephs2@gmail.com or David Aguilar ramblon007@cox.net
There will be separate meetings will be held in person on the first Saturday of each month, at noon at
Careplex Hospital in Hampton, Virginia (3000 Coliseum Drive) Please see separate listing.
Parenting with MG
Parenting is challenging for the healthiest of parents. Myasthenia gravis (MG) adds another layer to navigate within the parenting realm, but it doesn’t need to be in isolation. Having MG can feel lonely and may tinge our view of ourselves especially as parents. This group is open to parents of children of all ages; even when they are adults, a parent’s work is never done. We are a community of parents supporting parents and those considering parenthood. We learn from one another, share helpful hacks, hear from experts in the field and get the opportunity to be part of a positive, problem-solving community where YOU matter.
This group meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at 12pm EST